Our tour starts next week “down south”, but in two weeks we’ll...

Our tour starts next week “down south”, but in two weeks we’ll take the band north for the first time and play a few shows with our old friends Stefan Honig from @honigsongs and Harmen Ridderbos from @townofsaints with their new project Accidental Bird! It’ll be a mini Tour of Tours family reunion. 🤝

May 19 - Haus der Musik - Vienna (A)
May 20 - Bart - Timelkam (A)
May 21 - Milla - Munich (D)
May 22 - Komma - Wörgl (A)
May 27 - Jaki - Cologne (D)
May 28 - Knust - Hamburg (D)
May 29 - Prachtwerk - Berlin (D)
May 30 - Horch! - Pforzheim (D)

photo by @giesenbauer

@accidentalbirdsongs @touroftours @jaki.klub @prachtwerkberlin @knusthamburg (at Jaki)