Hello… Hello… Oh, Hi 2021! It’s 1988 calling to wish you a...

Hello… Hello… Oh, Hi 2021! It’s 1988 calling to wish you a Happy New Year! 🎉

After a hell of a 2020, I thought I’d share with you all one last holiday picture I found in the stack of 5425 photos my sister and I scanned in the last week for my mom’s Christmas gift. I also thought it’d be a little ironic to post a picture of me when I could barely walk on the day before releasing a song about putting one foot in front of the other. I hope this picture brings a smile to your faces and the new song helps usher in a better year for us all!

#happynewyear #onefootinfrontoftheother #newsong #newyearnewsong #ianfishersongs